Thanks to the generous donations of parishioners and friends, the next Icons in the planned renovations of the interior of the church are currently in production at Damascene Gallery and will be picked up mid October.
Renovations will include eight more new large Icons like the ones already added this spring, along with special trim for the nave and altar area and a five foot round Pantocrator icon of Christ mounted high in the nave.
This ordered icon is the icon of the Platytera and will be placed high above the Icon of the Resurrection in the altar area. It will eventually be flanked on the left by the icon of the Annunciation and on the right by the Icon of the Presentation of the Theotokos.
The next two Icons to be placed in the nave of the church include Nativity and Theopany have also been ordered and are in production.
For those who have quietly sponsored this project, may God send his blessings upon you and your families. This work that is done in silence, to the glory of God, has already inspired many and will continue to produce fruit for many generations.
In order to complete the project, we will need the support of many more donors. For more information, or to see a plan of the renovations, contact Fr Mark or Michelle. Any donations specifically for the Iconongraphy should have that noted on the memo of the check so they can be properly applied towards the project.