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Iconography-September 2022
Side Wall 1

The next beautiful installment of our church iconography project was installed in September of 2022.

This installment was quite large and included the following:

Large format Feast Day Icons of The Nativity of the Theotokos, The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, The Annunciation, and the Entrance of the Theotokos.  We also completed the Playtera with large format icons of the Prophet David and the Prophet Solomon on either side of the Thetokos icon.

Icons of St. John of Kronstadt, St. Onouphrius, St. Paisios, St. Elizabeth the New Martyr, St. Nicholas of Myra, St. Olga, St. Tikhon, St. Photini, St. Susanna, Daniel the Prophet, St. Simeon the God Receiver, and the Holy Forefathers were also part of this installment. 

Thank you to those who donated to this portion of the iconography project. 

(9 images)

Side Wall 1
Rear Wall Icons
Side Wall 2
Side Wall 3
Chimney Icons
Side Wall 5
Altar Icons
Side Wall 4
Iconography-November 2019
Altar Icons

New Iconography-Nov. 2019 - 11/02/19

The next installment of our ongoing iconography project was installed in the church on the first of November. 

These new icons include:  St. Theodore the Soldier, St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Mary Magdalene, Patriach Abraham, Saints Constantine and Helen, and St. Sophia and her Daughters. 

Thank you to those who sponsored these beautiful icons! 

The next group of icons will be be 11x14 and sit underneath the full stature icons.  Anyone interested in sponsoring those icons should see Fr. Mark or Michelle for more information. 

(9 images)

Altar Icons
Full Side One
Full Side Two
Panel Five
Panel Four
Panel One
Panel Six
Panel Three
Panel Two

Iconography- July 30, 2019
Altar Area Icons

New Iconography - 07/30/19

The next group of twelve beautiful icons were installed at the church on July 29th.

These icons include:  St. Barbara, St. Catherine, St. Herman, St. Raphael, St. Stephen, St. Marina, St. John of San Fransisco, Holy Forefather Adam, St. Isaac the Syrian, St. Ignatius Brianchaninova, St. Gregory the Theologian and St. Melchizidek

Thank you to those who sponsored these icons!

The next installment of icons is in production, if you are interested in sponsoring these or any future icons please contact Fr. Mark or Michelle for more details. 

(8 images)

Altar Area Icons
Full Side View
Full Side View 2
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel 5

Gospel and Chalice Set-March 2019
Memorial Service for Departed
Memorial Service for Departed
Memorial Service for Departed
Blessing of the New Chalice and Gospel
Blessing of the New Chalice and Gospel
Blessing of the New Chalice and Gospel
New Chalice and Gospel
New Chalice and Gospel
New Chalice and Gospel

On March 17th the new Gospel and Chalice set were blessed so they could be put into use on the altar. These beautiful items were donated in memory of the departed of the Steele family.  

We are very blessed to have these new items on the altar and they will serve the church for many years reminding us of them everytime we have a service. 

May their memory be eternal. 

Altar Area Icons-September 2018
New Iconography behind the Altar
New Iconography behind the Altar
New Iconography behind the Altar
Iconography Additions to the Church
Iconography Additions to the Church
Iconography Additions to the Church
New Icons

The icon of Christ the High Priest was hung behind the altar just below the Resurrection Icon on Pentecost and the icons of St. Basil and St. John Chyrsostom were installed to the left and right of the icon of Christ in mid-August. In mid-Septmber St. Nektarios and St. Anthony the Great were added to the altar area. 

There are more icons planned to fill the altar space and to be added in the main church.  If you are interested in sponsoring one of these icons please speak with Fr. Mark or Michelle.  

Thank you to those who sponsored these icons! 

Transfiguration Icon- Oct. 2017

The newest addition to St. Mary's ongoing iconography project is the icon of the Transfiguration.

This icon was purchased in memory of Lola Jacobs. Thank you to all those who contributed to her memorial fund.  May her memory be eternal!

We have several more large format feast day icons and smaller Old Testament Prophet icons in our future iconography plans.  If you are interested in sponsoring one of the the icons in memory of a family member please speak with Fr. Mark or Michelle for more details.

Iconography-July 2016
Pentecost Icon
Pentecost Icon
Pentecost Icon
Crucifixion Icon
Crucifixion Icon
Crucifixion Icon

The next two large format icons in our series of Feast Day icons were picked up from the Damascene Gallery and displayed in the church during the 7/24 Divine Liturgy.  We selected the Penetcost and Crucifixion Icons.  They are beautiful icons and we are so blessed to have them in our church!

Our iconography plans include large format Feast Day icons, a series of smaller Old Testament Prophet icons, and the Pantocrator icon for the ceiling.  If you are interested in seeing pictures of the icons and would like to sponsor one in memory of a family member please speak to Fr. Mark.

Tabernacle-December 2015
Memory Eternal!

New Tabernacle - 12/13/15

On Dec. 13th the new tabernacle donated in memory of Marjorie Frei and Richard Abraham was blessed. The beautiful tabernacle will now reside on the holy altar.

Memory Eternal!

(11 images)

Memory Eternal!
Memory Eternal!
Memory Eternal!
Blessing of the tabernacle
Blessing of the tabernacle

Iconographic Toweling-July 2015

Iconographic Toweling

The iconographic toweling was installed at the church the week of July 12th.  The results are stunning!  Thank you to Fr. Jonah of the Damascene Gallery for the design and installation of this beautiful addition to our church.

(16 images)

Exterior Renovations of the Church-Summer 2015
New paint streetside
New paint streetside
New paint streetside
New colors front of church
New colors front of church
New colors front of church
New colors side
New colors side
New colors side

Church Interior Renovations-May 2015

Pictures from interior work at church

Interior painting of the church was completed the week of May 3rd.

The new colors accentuate the Iconography beautifully!

Many thanks to Fr. Jonah at the Damascene Gallery for his expert advice on color choices.

(10 images)

First coat on back wall
Window trimmed to match the trim on the icons
Beautiful color coordination with the Icons
New trim
Ceiling color

Iconography-October 2013
October 2013

Thanks to the generous donations of parishioners and friends, the next Icons in the planned renovations of the interior of the church are currently in production at Damascene Gallery and will be picked up mid October.

Renovations will include eight more new large Icons like the ones already added this spring, along with special trim for the nave and altar area and a five foot round Pantocrator icon of Christ mounted high in the nave.

This ordered icon is the icon of the Platytera and will be placed high above the Icon of the Resurrection in the altar area.  It will eventually be flanked on the left by the icon of the Annunciation and on the right by the Icon of the Presentation of the Theotokos. 

The next two Icons to be placed in the nave of the church include Nativity and Theopany have also been ordered and are in production.

For those who have quietly sponsored this project, may God send his blessings upon you and your families.  This work that is done in silence, to the glory of God, has already inspired many and will continue to produce fruit for many generations.

In order to complete the project, we will need the support of many more donors.  For more information, or to see a plan of the renovations, contact Fr Mark or Michelle.  Any donations specifically for the Iconongraphy should have that noted on the memo of the check so they can be properly applied towards the project.

Iconography-May 2013
May 2013

New Iconography has been installed in the main church Sanctuary.  The first icon in this series was donated in loving memory of Rose Sovey.   This is the Resurrection icon behind the altar area, visible through the royal doors.

It is a constant reminder that we serve a Risen Lord.  Our faith is focused on the Resurrection!  We are reminded that death is defeated and has no power over us, and that we shall be raised like Adam and Eve in the icon.  It is very rich, and will bless our church.

Thank you to those who donated in memorial of Rose! 

The other two new icons, located on the side walls are of the Resurrection and of the Ascension.  Both beautiful pieces that brighten the church with all their meaning and details.

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What is Orthodoxy?

"Sometimes called the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church is the first Christian Church, the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and described in the pages of the New Testament.  Her history can be traced in unbroken continuity all the way back to Christ and His Twelve Apostles.  For twenty centuries, she has continued in her undiminished and unaltered faith and practice.  Today her apostolic doctrine, worship, and structure remain intact.  The Orthodox Church maintains that the Church is the living Body of Jesus Christ."      

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. 

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