Saint Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, a great Father and teacher of the Church, was born into a Christian family of eminent lineage in the year 329, at Arianzos (not far from the city of Cappadocian Nazianzos). His father, also named Gregory (January 1), was Bishop of…
"Prayer-the soul's breath- is of utmost importance in the life of a Christian. The presence of prayer in someone's life means that the person is spiritually alive. Without prayer, a person is dead..."
"Learning to pray is essential. We should master the skill of understanding the feeling of each phrase within a prayer so we are not simply reading aloud, but arousing and strengthening a prayerful spirit within us..."
Why Do The Orthodox Pray to the Saints?
"We know through the wisdom and experience of countless generations of Christians that there is power in praying for one another. For this reason..."
Why Do the Orthodox Have Icons?
"It doesn't take long for someone who is curious about the ancient Orthodox faith to be suprised by the plethora of icons covering the inside of an Orthodox Church..."
"Why is there suffering in the world? Suffering ultimately comes from sin disrupting the cosmic order, but..."
"One of the greatest causes of unbelief is evil...Evil things and events trouble us, and that is good because it means we are still in touch with our humanity..."
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Writings from the early Church
Overview of the Orthodox Divine Liturgy
If you are interested in more information about the content and flow of the Divine Liturgy service this video will walk you though the basics of the service.
Proper Etiquette and Worship Practices
"The place to learn the externals of Orthodox worship are in your local parish...but this is simply a guide to help beginners feel a little less awkward when embarking down the Orthodox road..."
"Your prayer rule, your fasting, your alms and all other spiritual acts are gifts to God...Your asceticism is your gift to God. Our Lord does not expect us to give more then we have..."
Mysterious, sacramental, liturgical... just some of the observations on what Orthodoxy is..
New, entertaining, condemning...just some of the obsevations on what Orthodoxy is not...
Feeling Frustration with the Spiritual Struggle
"Some Christians will go their entire lives and feel like they do not have any visible progress in the spiritual life. What they do not realize is that with every step of progress..."
"To intercede is not simply to say a prayer for someone, but to also quietly bear within us their burdens"...
Heaven and Hell-A Different Perspective
Orthodox perspective on Heaven and Hell
"In Orthodoxy I'm confronted with an uncomfortable fact: the work of my salvation is in progress..."
"Once we begin to recognize our sinful state a feeling of hopelessness can easily grip the heart. But such hopelessness is not godly..."
The Vespers Service in the Orthodox Church
Vespers is often the first service that new inquirers to the faith attend. This video can provide you with more information about the content and flow of the service.
"Sometimes called the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church is the first Christian Church, the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and described in the pages of the New Testament. Her history can be traced in unbroken continuity all the way back to Christ and His Twelve Apostles. For twenty centuries, she has continued in her undiminished and unaltered faith and practice. Today her apostolic doctrine, worship, and structure remain intact. The Orthodox Church maintains that the Church is the living Body of Jesus Christ."
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.
Saint Moses, Archbishop of Novgorod (1325-1330, 1352-1359), in the world Metrophanes, was born at Novgorod. In his youth he secretly left his home and entered Tver’s Otroch monastery, where he became a monk. His parents found him, and at their insistence he transferred to a monastery near…
The Holy Martyr Felicitas with her Seven Sons, Januarius, Felix, Philip, Silvanus, Alexander, Vitalius and Marcial. Saint Felicitas was born of a rich Roman family. She boldly confessed before the emperor and civil authorities that she was a Christian. The pagan priests said that she was insulting…
Saint Publius of Syria was born in the city of Zeugma on the Euphrates and was a senator. Renouncing the world, he gave away his possessions, became a monk, and lived an ascetical life in a cave on a mountain in the Syrian wilderness. Saint Publius founded two monasteries: one for Greeks, and…
Saint Mares the Singer lived in a hut in fasting and prayer for thirty-seven years in the village of Homeron, not far from the city of Cyrrhus in Syria. He ate rough food, and wore clothes made from the hide of wild goats. He was handsome, and had a pleasant singing voice. Saint Mares reposed in…
The “Assuage my Sorrows” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was glorified at Moscow by many miracles in the second half of the eighteenth century, particularly during a plague in 1771. The icon had been brought to Moscow by Cossacks in 1640 in the reign of Tsar Michael (1613-1645), and…
The “Unexpected Joy” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, is painted in this way: in a room is an icon of the Mother of God, and beneath it a youth is kneeling at prayer. The tradition about the healing of some youth from a bodily affliction through this holy icon is recorded in the book of…
The holy Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev was the first bishop to be tortured and slain by the Communists at the time of the Russian Revolution. Basil Nikephorovich Bogoyavlensky was born in the province of Tambov of pious parents on January 1, 1848. His father, a priest, was later murdered. The…
The holy New Martyr Auxentius was born in 1690 in the diocese of Vellas, part of the Metropolitan district of Ioannina in Greece. When he was a young man, he moved to Constantinople with his parents and became a furrier. Later, he left his trade and went to work on the ships, leading a sinful life…
Saint Anatole (Zertsalov) was born with the name Alexis in the village of Bobolya on March 24, 1824. His father, Moses Kopev, was a deacon, and his mother’s name was Anna. The parents were exceptionally devout Christians who hoped that their children would enter the monastic life. Their only…
No information available at this time.
Bishop Gabriel (Kikodze) was born November 15, 1825, in the village of Bachvi, in the western Georgian district of Ozurgeti in Guria. His father was the priest Maxime Kikodze. From 1840 to 1845, Gabriel (Gerasime in the world) studied in Tbilisi and at the theological seminaries in Pskov and Saint…
Saint Vetranion (or Bretanion) lived during the IV century, and was the Bishop of Tomis, (now ConstanČ›a, Romania) in the Province of Scythia Minor.1 Little is known about his life except that he came from Cappadocia, and was elected to the See of Tomis about the year 360.2 He confessed the…