St. Simon
/ St. Simon
/ St. Simon
St. Simon Orthodox Church
Welcome to St. Simon Church in Ironwood, MI!

St. Simon is a parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. As a member of the Antiochian Archdiocese we follow the liturgical practice and canonical discipline of our Archdiocese and Patriarchate. All our services are in English.

Liturgy is generally served at St. Simon once a month, usually at 10:00am on the first Saturday of the month.  Please check the calendar for upcoming services and us the "contact us" form below if you have any questions. 

Upcoming at St. Simon Church:

Saturday, March 8th:  Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Saturday, March 29th:  Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Sunday, April 20th:  Great & Holy Pascha Services 11:00am

Saturday, April 26th:  Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Saturday, May 10th:  Wedding

Services are all listed in Central TimeDates and times subject to change.  Winter storms and adverse winter driving conditions can lead to change of service schedule, please make sure we have your current contact information to communicate any schedule changes. Please contact Fr. Mark to schedule a time for confession.


St Simon Church is located at 226 E. Harding Ave.  Ironwood, MI 49938 

St. Mary's & St. Simon Phone: 906*774*3772-this line goes directly to voicemail, please leave a message

St. Simon Church has on-street parking along Harding Ave. 

If this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church please visit our About Orthodoxy page and our Orthodoxy 101 page for more information on the church, the services and much more. 

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Parish History
Historical Articles

St. Simon Orthodox Church celebrated its 100th anniversary in Sept. of 2015.   The church has a rich history and this is just a small glimpse of that history. Click on the link to see a PDF of the three part series about the history of the church, originally published in 1997.

St. Simon/St. Simeon Church is mentioned in the June 2015 edition of The Word magazine in the historical article on page 14.  Please click on the link to download the PDF version of the magazine from the Archdiocese website. June 2015 Edition of The Word

There are also multiple mentions of Ironwood in the following article.  Fr. Nicola Yanney: The First Antiochan Priest in Mid-America

Article by the Ironwood Daily Globe Newspaper regarding the Anniversary Celebration weekend.  St. Simon Church Celebrates 100th Anniversary

This photograph is from the church records.  It is of the wedding of Elias Yanney & Mary Abraham in 1916 at St. Simon Church. Clergy pictured are Metropolitan Germanos, Fr. Nicola Yanney & Fr. John Saba.


St Simon Church Image Gallery

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Ancient Faith Radio

What is Orthodoxy?

"Sometimes called the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church is the first Christian Church, the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and described in the pages of the New Testament.  Her history can be traced in unbroken continuity all the way back to Christ and His Twelve Apostles.  For twenty centuries, she has continued in her undiminished and unaltered faith and practice.  Today her apostolic doctrine, worship, and structure remain intact.  The Orthodox Church maintains that the Church is the living Body of Jesus Christ."      

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. 

Venerable Gerasimus of the Jordan
Venerable Gerasimus of the Jordan

Saint Gerasimus was a native of Lycia (Asia Minor). From his early years he was distinguished for his piety. Having received monastic tonsure, he withdrew into the desert of the Thebaid (in Egypt). Thereafter, in about the year 450, the monk arrived in Palestine and settled at the Jordan, where he…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Venerable Gerasimus of Vologda
Venerable Gerasimus of Vologda

Saint Gerasimus, First Vologda Wonderworker, accepted monastic tonsure on March 4 (at that time it was customary to give a new monk the name of the saint commemorated on the day of his tonsure) at the Kiev Gniloe Dormition monastery, having been attracted to the Caves where Saint Theodosius (May 3)…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Venerable Joasaph of Snetogorsk, Pskov

The Holy Hieromartyrs Joasaph of Snetogorsk and Basil of Mirozh suffered under the Germans at two of the most ancient of the Pskov monasteries during the thirteenth century. Saint Basil directed the Savior-Transfiguration Mirozh monastery, founded in the year 1156 by Saint Niphon, Bishop of…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Right-believing Prince Basil (Vasilko) of Rostov

Holy Prince Basil of Rostov belonged in lineage to the Suzdal Monomashichi, famed in Russian history. The saint’s great-grandfather was Yuri Dolgoruky, and his grandfather was Great Prince Vsevolod III “Big-Nest” (+ 1212), brother to Saint Andrew Bogoliubsky (July 4), who had been…

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Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow
Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow

Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow was born at Vladimir in the year 1261. He was the fourth son of Saint Alexander Nevsky (August 30 and November 23) and his second wife Bassa. When he was two years old he lost his father. The date of his mother’s repose is not indicated in the Chronicles; we know…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Martyrs Paul and his sister, Juliana

The Holy Martyr Paul and his sister Juliana were executed under the emperor Aurelian (270-275) in the Phoenician city of Ptolemais. The emperor happened to visit Ptolemais, and among those who met him was Paul, who made the Sign of the Cross. They arrested him and threw him in prison. On the…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint James the Faster of Phoenicia, Syria

Saint James the Faster lived a life of asceticism near the Phoenician city of Porphyrion in the sixth century. For fifteen years, he lived in a cave devoting himself to monastic deeds, and he received the gift of wonderworking from the Lord. Under his influence many of the local inhabitants were…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Right-believing Prince Wenceslas of the Czech Lands
Right-believing Prince Wenceslas of the Czech Lands

The Translation of the Relics of the Right-Believing Prince Saint Wenceslas (Vyacheslav) of the Czech Lands. On September 28, 935, when Saint Wenceslas went to Matins, he was wickedly murdered at the doors of the church by his own brother and his brother’s servants. His body was stabbed and…

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Saint Gregory, Bishop of Constantia, Cyprus

Saint Gregory is mentioned in the Patmos Codex 266 as follows: “The Holy Fathers Gregory of Constantia, Cyprus and Adrian.” Perhaps Saint Adrian was also a Bishop on Cyprus.

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Troparion & Kontakion
Martyr Vyacheslav (Leontiev), the Priest

No information available at this time.

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Troparion & Kontakion
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