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/ Orthodoxy / Catechism

Parish Catechism Classes

The best teacher of the theology of the church is our services. With the increased service schedule during the upcoming Lenten period our parish catechism classes will pause. Please use this time to attend as many of the different services as you are able to attend.  

These Lenten printables will be available at church.  You can also download and print a copy from the following link.  They are a great visual reminder to keep in your home.  Journey to Pascha 2024 Printable

Young Adult Ministries Presentation at Parish Life Conference 2023

Fall 2022 Catechism Class

2024 Pre-Lenten Retreat (Part 1)
2024 Pre-Lenten Retreat (Part 2)
The Lord's Prayer

It’s all too easy to recite something so familiar without questioning whether we really understand it. The Lord's Prayer is God’s own instruction in how to pray. Maybe it's time we unpack this prayer to really understand how God intended us to pray.

Podcast: The Lord’s Prayer, Part One

Podcast: The Lord’s Prayer, Part Two

Podcast: The Lord's Prayer, Part Three

Teaching the Lord's Prayer

Families and Children

Being in the services, hearing the chanting and listening to the Word of God will touch their souls and leave deep impressions in their hearts. These moments will live in them and keep them in the faith throughout their lives. “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Matthew 19:14-15)

The Home as Our Little Church

We Don't Become Saints Overnight

What's In Our Church Bag

Preparing for Lent: Guide for Orthodox Families


A few years ago, I was asked: “Father Thomas, if you summarized, in the shortest form, what a practical life of a believing Christian, of a human being who believes in God and believes in Christ, what would it be like? What kind of maxims or rules or whatever that would be, what would that include?”

The 55 Maxims of Fr. Thomas Hopko (podcast)

A 10-part series on the litanies of the Divine Liturgy by Fr. John Oliver. Fr. John shows us how important our intercessory prayers are for world and it’s people.

Intercessory Prayer: The Last Hope for the World

Directed Reading Guide

Below are the directed reading guides and focus questions for the series The Orthodox Faith, 4 Volume Set by Fr. Thomas Hopko.  A full set of these books can be found in the church library.  This series of books are introductory handbooks on Orthodox Faith and life. Presented in brief chapters, this series is excellent for quick reference or study, and provides valuable teaching material for both teens and adults. 

Volume #1: Doctine and Scripture

Volume #2: Worship

Volume #3: Church History

Volume #4: Spirituality

Seven Minute Catechism Series
1. What is the Orthodox Church Part 1
3. Who is God part 1
5. Who Do Men Say I Am? Part 1
7. Mercy & Judgement
9. The Church and The Tabernacle
2. What is the Orthodox Church part 2
4. Who is God part 2
6. Who Do Men Say I Am? Part 2
8. Is This All Really Necessary?
10. The Holy of Holies

Thought for the Day

Sunk in the abyss of wickedness, O Mary, thou hast lifted up thine hands to the merciful God. And, as to Peter, in His loving-kindness He stretched out His hand to thee in help, seeking in every way thy conversion. - From the Great Canon of Repentance

Service Calendar

Online Donations

Daily Orthodox Scriptures for Kids
Daily Orthodox Scriptures for Kids
New Testament readings with a short commentary at the end just for kids Usually around five minutes long, it is a fantastic way to get our children into the Bible.

Daily Orthodox Scriptures
Daily Orthodox Scriptures
A Journey Together Reading Through the Bible in One Year - Fr. Alexis Kouri helps lead listeners through a reading of the entire Bible in one year.

What is Orthodoxy?

"Sometimes called the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church is the first Christian Church, the Church founded by the Lord Jesus Christ and described in the pages of the New Testament.  Her history can be traced in unbroken continuity all the way back to Christ and His Twelve Apostles.  For twenty centuries, she has continued in her undiminished and unaltered faith and practice.  Today her apostolic doctrine, worship, and structure remain intact.  The Orthodox Church maintains that the Church is the living Body of Jesus Christ."      

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.